The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Houston Officer killed during routine traffic stop. Culprit? Illegal mexican with a record a mile long, including indecency with a child!
This has got to stop folks. When one our most decorated gets his life snuffed by this kind of river sludge, the "they are just coming to work" line just doesn't even get close. We are mad as hell. This man had 5 children and a wife is a 'special ops' officer.
Shut the border and deport ANYONE found. Let them worry about their families like we have to, I am done.
Houston Chronicle

Thursday's simple traffic stop turned suddenly tragic when the veteran Houston police officer was shot and killed as he sat in the front seat of his patrol car near Hobby Airport.
Just after 5 p.m., Johnson had stopped a pickup with two people inside. It was unclear why he detained or handcuffed the driver, though an officer familiar with the incident said he had no identification on him. At least one female passenger left, possibly with Johnson's permission, but Police Chief Harold Hurtt said he thought officers had found the woman and were bringing her to headquarters for questioning.

Is Chavez campaigning for the democrat party?

I didn’t know you could bring presidents from another country over to campaign your issues, did McCain miss that one in his restraining campaign reform? Chavez with all his bluster and silliness seems to be echoing what the majority of the democrat party seems to be saying. Of course they haven’t call Bush the devil per se’, they just call him Imperialist, Hitler and such. The democrats have been saying they want to connect with the “religious” people in the country maybe they should use the biblical term Chavez uses “the devil”.
I must say in spite of it all, Pelosi gets happy face sticker J for calling him a thug. Rangel on the other hand seemed a bit more upset that Hugo was upstaging his socialist dependent policy’s by helping more people than our oil company’s are. Ok, fine, but he did stand up and say not to insult “his President” in our country and for that he was right on, so a happy face sticker for him too. J
But, Charlie the idea that OUR energy companies should do more of the same, you must remember we have PRIVATE companies, not state run. Surely Charlie isn’t wishing for state run? But our energy companies reduce billions of people’s bills every month! They all have some kind of programs to assist the elderly or poverty inflicted souls. As far as heating oil goes, I just want to say – update for god sake, this is the 21st century why do you people still use heating oil???
As far as Chavez and A –mad -jihad goes, I think they ought fix their own messes before they come over here and criticize ours. All the dictators of the UN giving them applause are just spiteful little despots with falling apart countries. They are mainly riddled with poverty, disease and social structures that are far worse than ours. They come and meet with us beg for our money and then stab us in the back at every turn.
Kofi Annan going to Iran to talk to jihad man BEFORE the sanction deadline was unconceivable in my opinion, I figure he went over to get his payoff, jihad man says he told him not to worry about the sanctions. That leaves us in a great place, which liar do you believe? Kofi should have been thrown out about the oil for food and now this, he can’t leave quick enough.


Mavericks stampede Bush!!

Big hubbub today as headlines trump "Senate Republicans against Bush", oh my gosh the mavericks. Let's see 3 ending up 4 out of 55? Not exactly a "great push-back"!
Of course the REAL BAD thing is Colin Powell came out against him. Now I used to like Powell but before he was removed he showed his liberal bent in my opinion, and he sure hasn't done the tough job Condi Rice has done. Nonetheless, this cracks me up:

“The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism,” Powell, a retired general who is also a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a letter.

A risk to our troops, Powell argues that Bush’s bill, by redefining the kind of treatment the Geneva Conventions allow, “would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk.”

Maybe the Beltway bright lights of stardom are blinding people up there, so incase no one has noticed I have a few thoughts myself.
How can you be at ANY more at risk than being BEHEADED OR BLOWN UP! My gosh people, poop or get off the pot. I am sick of hearing our Moral High ground.
According to you pundits, senators, and former senators: you tell us they call us TERRORIST AND TORTURERS AND WE RUN GOULAGS. Well how in the name of Pete can we be thought of worse?????
Nobody adheres to Geneva Convention rules but us!!!! And never has!! So get off your politically correct, international brainwashed rear end and let our BOYS GO TO IT! They could be finished in no time and we could save unnecessary hardship for everyone, except of course the Islamo-fascist.
We have the best; the brightest the most well equipped military in the world- please put the Lawyers at Gitmo for a few months and let our boys kick butt and be done this. :)


'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born
World Net Daily has the most gruesome story.
Are we there yet? Well we sure as heck are close.
A Princeton idiot doesn't see a difference between animals and humans. The moral relativism is killing our country. You don't need to be religious to be scared by this; but it should help you understand why some in the "religious" community fight the anti-death mentality and abortion. You need to read this story.
Professor Singer I hope you are enjoying your rebellion to a creator, because it may be the only enjoyment you ever have, you sick twisted freak.

Honest and Open Party?

According to the Democrat Website they actually are writing out a plan!
When I went to the site to check on the comments Clinton had said about "shutting down" the Path to 9-11; this is the one that caught my eye:

Honest Leadership and Open Government
Democrats offer an aggressive reform package to reverse Republican excesses and restore the public trust. Democrats from across the country joined together to support their Honest Leadership and Open Government Act. In the Great Hall of the Library of Congress, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi were joined by Senator Barack Obama and Congresswoman Louise Slaughter and their Senate and House colleagues to shine a spotlight on the Republican "pay for play" politics that put special interests first at the expense of the priorities of the American people.'

I am sorry but I couldn't help but laugh :) I mean they have been threatening ABC and slamming them for airing something most of them hadn't even seen, but they have an OPEN Government Act?? The irony is just delicous. The 'special interests' statement is rich as well, can you say Planned Parenthood, ACLU, NAACP, UNION, Teachers UNION????? Please they coined the phrase special interest. Good try with the rhetoric, but those who know your policies won't buy it.

Is Texas getting Kinky?
It may well be the first time in decades that Texans elect an Independent for Governor. Kinky is all the buzz around Texas politics. First starting out seeming as kind of a 'good ole boy' that was meant to wake up the status quo, may have just turned in to a REAL viable option for Texans who are fed up with politics as usual.
The Kinster as he is further nicknamed has a slogan- "why the hell not". Certainly out of the norm of the stuff shirts with all the PC talk- Kinky is noted for his black western attire, big cigar and humorous answers.

Corruption and big money have such a chokehold that the two major parties blew $100 million in the last governor's race to elect a candidate to a job that pays
$100,000 a year. And for all that money spent, less than 30% of us bothered to
show up at the polls.

Why? Because it's hard to stand in line at
the ballot box when neither candidate promises anything more than politics as
usual. Texans are the most independent people in America, and if we're going to
be inspired, the inspiration will come from someone unafraid to deal in new
ideas and honest answers, an independent leader who lets the people call the
plays instead of dancing to the tune of the money men.
All though many won't agree with all his policies, left or right; they may grab hold of the spirit he portrays. He has done something politicians have stepped way far away from this last couple of decades- he talks TO THE PEOPLE. :) Voters aren't stupid, even if they make stupid choices sometimes, but they ARE PEOPLE!!!!
The parties are so plugged into polls and pundits who reflect their view they seldom have a real clue of what the people care about. So instead of building a platform of platitudes, he has built his platform on what the people have told him matters most. What a novel idea. There are several issues that Texans have been boiling about for several years now; immigration, property taxes and the Trans Texas corridor and all we get is the boot from Austin. The boot may be on the other foot after this election.
Never thought I'd say this, but hats off to you Kinky. :)