The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Women Sells her Eggs to pay Debt!!!!

A young woman has put her eggs for sale on the internet to pay off £15,000 of credit card debts. Alexandra Saunders posted her details on an American website after reading about the huge amount that can be made in a woman's magazine. The 26-year-old, who already has three jobs to try and pay off her debts, thought it would be an easy way to make
money. It is illegal for a woman to sell her eggs within the UK but egg donation is big business in the US where childless couples pay
up to £20,000 in exchange the eggs of a young healthy woman.

So while the liberals are screaming to make this available, notice it isn't even LEGAL in th UK!! Wake up folks this is a dangerous road to be on.

Stop the lunacy over Embryonic stem cell research. Adult Cells are the key to the difference not another Planned parenthood outlet for government money


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