The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Is Chavez campaigning for the democrat party?

I didn’t know you could bring presidents from another country over to campaign your issues, did McCain miss that one in his restraining campaign reform? Chavez with all his bluster and silliness seems to be echoing what the majority of the democrat party seems to be saying. Of course they haven’t call Bush the devil per se’, they just call him Imperialist, Hitler and such. The democrats have been saying they want to connect with the “religious” people in the country maybe they should use the biblical term Chavez uses “the devil”.
I must say in spite of it all, Pelosi gets happy face sticker J for calling him a thug. Rangel on the other hand seemed a bit more upset that Hugo was upstaging his socialist dependent policy’s by helping more people than our oil company’s are. Ok, fine, but he did stand up and say not to insult “his President” in our country and for that he was right on, so a happy face sticker for him too. J
But, Charlie the idea that OUR energy companies should do more of the same, you must remember we have PRIVATE companies, not state run. Surely Charlie isn’t wishing for state run? But our energy companies reduce billions of people’s bills every month! They all have some kind of programs to assist the elderly or poverty inflicted souls. As far as heating oil goes, I just want to say – update for god sake, this is the 21st century why do you people still use heating oil???
As far as Chavez and A –mad -jihad goes, I think they ought fix their own messes before they come over here and criticize ours. All the dictators of the UN giving them applause are just spiteful little despots with falling apart countries. They are mainly riddled with poverty, disease and social structures that are far worse than ours. They come and meet with us beg for our money and then stab us in the back at every turn.
Kofi Annan going to Iran to talk to jihad man BEFORE the sanction deadline was unconceivable in my opinion, I figure he went over to get his payoff, jihad man says he told him not to worry about the sanctions. That leaves us in a great place, which liar do you believe? Kofi should have been thrown out about the oil for food and now this, he can’t leave quick enough.


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