The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Friday, September 22, 2006


'Bioethicist': OK to kill babies after they're born
World Net Daily has the most gruesome story.
Are we there yet? Well we sure as heck are close.
A Princeton idiot doesn't see a difference between animals and humans. The moral relativism is killing our country. You don't need to be religious to be scared by this; but it should help you understand why some in the "religious" community fight the anti-death mentality and abortion. You need to read this story.
Professor Singer I hope you are enjoying your rebellion to a creator, because it may be the only enjoyment you ever have, you sick twisted freak.


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