The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Mavericks stampede Bush!!

Big hubbub today as headlines trump "Senate Republicans against Bush", oh my gosh the mavericks. Let's see 3 ending up 4 out of 55? Not exactly a "great push-back"!
Of course the REAL BAD thing is Colin Powell came out against him. Now I used to like Powell but before he was removed he showed his liberal bent in my opinion, and he sure hasn't done the tough job Condi Rice has done. Nonetheless, this cracks me up:

“The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism,” Powell, a retired general who is also a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a letter.

A risk to our troops, Powell argues that Bush’s bill, by redefining the kind of treatment the Geneva Conventions allow, “would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk.”

Maybe the Beltway bright lights of stardom are blinding people up there, so incase no one has noticed I have a few thoughts myself.
How can you be at ANY more at risk than being BEHEADED OR BLOWN UP! My gosh people, poop or get off the pot. I am sick of hearing our Moral High ground.
According to you pundits, senators, and former senators: you tell us they call us TERRORIST AND TORTURERS AND WE RUN GOULAGS. Well how in the name of Pete can we be thought of worse?????
Nobody adheres to Geneva Convention rules but us!!!! And never has!! So get off your politically correct, international brainwashed rear end and let our BOYS GO TO IT! They could be finished in no time and we could save unnecessary hardship for everyone, except of course the Islamo-fascist.
We have the best; the brightest the most well equipped military in the world- please put the Lawyers at Gitmo for a few months and let our boys kick butt and be done this. :)


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