The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Republicans don't deserve to win?

The Republicans don’t deserve to win?
I have been hearing quite a bit of noise about how bad the Republicans are doing and how the Democrats will win the Congress.
One of the things that bother me most is the idea of “The Republicans don’t deserve to win.” I agree maybe SOME of them don’t, but do we the citizens deserve to lose? Are the republican voters going to run to ‘group think’ like the democrats have done for all these years? Let’s hope not.
The last punishment vote we had brought us Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Janet Reno and Madeline Albright!! This has ultimately brought us to where we are today, in most areas- Crime, Unjust Justice, War, ACLU run School system and mandates on our lives at an all time high. Good God folks think about what you are saying?
Let me throw something out to you disgruntled voters who put these people in office?
Who gets punished if they lose? WE DO! YOU DO! The American people who are upset the Republicans aren’t pushing things through hard enough, or comprise too much, WE get hurt.
I feel your pain, believe me I am in suburb of Houston, TX and I turn purple when I think about the Border, and hear the McCain/Kennedy BS. I want to scream!
Some of the Republicans are more like Democrats, I agree, but you throw them out in the Primary’s you don’t put a Democrat in their place. If you do; EVERYTHING you are wanting for the country will be totally opposite of what you want.
Not to mention the GOOD R’s will have a harder time yet trying to get anything done.
Let me throw this out as well, what we need is not less republicans but less democrats! The Democrat leaders are determined to impose their liberal group think on us and therefore they thwart and demonize any plan of the republicans to straighten out the messes. So after hours of twisted talking points and Sunday talk shows they badger these guys to compromises so we still lose some but not the whole thing. If they are in control we lose the whole thing.
What you need to do is badger your Representatives louder than main stream media and the democrats do. We have to be louder than the Beltway!
Republicans have been called the ‘war mongers’ well you can’t tell that now! Where is the warrior spirit?
Rush coined the phrase ‘cut & run republicans’, which is the point exactly. I wish we had more Republicans in the Congress like Sessions, Santorum, Tancredo or King but giving them more democrats to work with won’t solve your disgruntlements.
Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and pull the lever. Then immediately start looking for people to replace them but don’t just throw in the towel. Democrats held the Congress for 40+ years and some of them have been there practically the whole time. You expect the Republicans to undo everything in 12 years? You want to throw out 20 years worth of work for a 2 year disappointment? That says a lot more about you then it does them. How can you dare tell them to fight this in staunched socialist movement if you won’t fight it yourself?
We are not just in war-time with the Islamic-fascist that what to make us bow to Allah, we are at war with-in our own Government. The Democrat party of old is no longer the “balancing” party they are the “Unbalanced” party.

They have put so many handcuffs on American business, schools, and personal choices that they are strangling are freedom as a whole. They claim to be the party of choice, but it is as deceptive as Osama being a leader of peace. You have to read between the lines and decipher the code, if you will.
Their claim of Choice means their choice only not real choice. Some of the satirical videos of Absurd Times.USA point out the real hidden issues. More are in the works and you need to check them out.
But this is no laughing matter. If our Fore Fathers had all had the same attitude we wouldn’t even have this Constitution to quibble over, we would be run by the Queen and at the least be speaking German. I am particularly surprised at some of the so-called Religious Right leaders, are you really more concerned about the image of a few in congress than you are about your own religious freedom?
Better get real folks, this is not about a couple of ill-willed congressmen; this is about a world view. You are either embracing Europe’s failed policies like the Democrats or recapturing the true American spirit. For our future’s sake I hope you pick the American spirit.


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