The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Saddam, Iraq and the Political Scam

The race is on and as usual the Iraq war is a primary subject. While the D 's offer not much of a plan, the R's repeat the danger of pulling out. The D comments are unbelievable in a time of war, Kerry who is a poster child for the disdain the Liberal party holds toward the troops and/or war and made his bones again with the peace nik weirdos with in his party with his "stupid" remark. Of course some of the "moderate" D's were brought to the golden screen of talk shows to repudiate or defend his comments. They have been hiding the anti-war mongers the last couple of weeks, in case you haven't noticed. I don't see the Pelosi, Kennedy, sounds bites flooding the waves, if a talk show host in CA wouldn't have caught this tacky comment we wouldn't have known about this either. Why is that? Why aren't these bites of Teddy, Schumer, and Rangel getting blasted all over the air? Why are they hiding these people, the great savior leaders of the party? Instead they trampling on people like Rush, who isn't a politician, nor running for office, over his comment about Fox's ad. Or attacking Lynn Chaney, again not a politician nor running for office, over her book. And they call the R's lame for commenting on Kerry's remark? It was a legitimate gaffe on Kerry's part, and deserved an apology, although "the real man" Kerry won't give one. The man who can always find a camera to hatchet George Bush can't find one to apologize to the very people who are protecting his lily white liberal A--? Give me a break.

As I watched this documentary last on night on National Geographic Channel, (I wish they would have advertised this more) on Saddam Hussein, I shuttered when I thought of Ted Kennedy's remark of how the Iraqis were in better shape with Saddam in power. Makes feel like doing a little torturing myself.

Inside Saddam's Reign of Terror [TV-MA]
For 24 years, Saddam Hussein and his Baath Party executed political rivals, Shias, Kurds and anyone else who dared disagree - or even tell a joke about the dictator. A chorus of testimonials, unearthed mass graves and discovered documents now reveal the extent to which Saddam and his Baath Party tortured, maimed, raped and murdered Iraqi citizens. As he faces trial for his crimes, NGC goes inside his reign of terror - with rare videotape that shows Baath Party members carrying out Saddam's brutal laws.
It was brutal, it's like you know it, and see glimpses over the years but a report like this made it all too real. When I think of how a Democrat congress couldn't even get a sanction against him drawn up to get to the UN in 88(?) was shocking. I remember it was a real negative for Bush 41 that he didn't finish off Saddam, but of course the UN didn't agree to that. So here we are 15 years later, and the problem is worse. Clinton did nothing! I know he "tried" but he failed. He "tried" with N. Korea but he failed, and now we are told the Democrats can do better? How? Reigniting the same failed policies as before? Amazing people are screaming about the "innocent Iraqi's" that are dying, that is sad, but why weren't you screaming when Saddam was killing them, maiming them and so forth? Rather to die at the hands of that monster than die in a fight for peace? I don't think so. I also doubt some of the "innocent" death tolls, civilians aren't always civilians there as should have been noted by the Hezbollah/Israel reports.
Here are the plans we hear:
Deploy to somewhere outside the region, be close incase we are needed! We are needed now! That plan sounds bad.
Plan: Split into 3 parts, sounds good on the surface, but think deeply about that. Worked well with Palestine and Israel didn't it? 60 years they are still fighting about who should get which piece of land. So that's it, yank those Sunni's out of there home land and move them to their area. Yank the Shiite from their homes and put them in their area. Sounds like a real winner doesn't it?

Think in our terms, move all the Democrats from Texas who are upsetting the majority Repubs, and move them to say CA. then take the Repubs that irritate the hell out of the Dems in CA and move them to Texas. How does that sound? No way. People would be furious! This is a bad plan as well.
The real solution is keep slugging it out. Iraq is not a microwave dinner. You don't push a button and when the timer goes off your done! That's insane! This Gov't has not even had a full year to work on this whole country and the critics expect miracles. That's a lot of guts from a group of people that can't even figure out that we already have a law on our books to enforce immigration, but they can't figure out how to stop it? Or how to revise it? I thought these were brilliant guys?
They say Bush didn't study the history or the consequences that may result if we invade Iraq, but actually history shows that when we aiding the Iraqi's in the Gulf war that the people stood up against him. They tried to protest and rose against 'Sadistic leader' But that time nobody showed up to help them. So the idea that they would stand up for themselves is a legitimate estimate. The difference is they are up against an evil group of satanic killers. They are vile and blood thirsty for their power, harder to fight than any regime.
Get a grip folks, these people are dangerous. The pullout there as PROVED in Lebanon; where Hezbollah claimed victory when there was nothing but a cease fire. The same rhetoric would be taunted in Iraq, and then we will be worse shape than France, because the riots will begin, and fighting in the streets will be OUR streets.
My question: Peace niks, who will fight for you? Will you fight back? Will you call on the military? Will you call for a sit in, or protest with goofy costumes and hope to sway them. Hell no, you will be whining in the streets and screaming for an intervention by the "stupid" disdained military.
Don't fall for the lies folks, the moderate "Jesus loving" democrats that are out on your screen this last couple of weeks is not the real party. I'm not against moderate Democrats, but it is disingenuous to say the least because they are not the heart of the party. Like Herald Ford, who seems like a nice person, has been out there touting his Christian Carrying card, just a bit too much. I'm Not doubting HIS personal commitment, but watching him last night, he appeared to be READING a script on Hannity & Combs, that bothered me. Let's put it this way, when a Republican makes those kinds of religious related comments they are considered anathema to the Dems. Right wing nut jobs. I'm just saying the face of the party out on the shows is not the real face of the leaders who will destroy all the progress in this country.
Who has told us the Iraq war is not going well? Not the Iraqi's, not the Military over there, nope the media of doom & gloom and the democrats. Who told us we have lost too many to make it worth it?
Who told us we creating terrorist?
The Osama told us, Iraq is the hot spot, we will wear down and leave, we are weak. Are we going to give Osama what he wants?
I am upset about several things with the R party, but not upset enough to throw my country away. I hope you aren't either. Kerry should be a reminder.


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