The Right Viewpoint

This is conservative blog discussing issues of the day, political and otherwise, a continuance of my previous website. Based in Houston, Texas area I also comment on Texas issues. I have added some posts from the previous site. Please join in the discussion- watch your language please.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Dems Vs. Reps

Overall synopsis- not every individual
Replace the words federally funded with paid for by: your name

Federally funded Illegal Immigration benefits- housing, food, education, job protection.
Federally funded retirement – SSI, limiting personal rights to save.
Federally funded health care – Canada style wait in line plan.
Federally funded abortion – supporting Planned Parenthood, taxation w/o representation
Federally funded embryonic stem cell research – 25years of research that ran out private funds now want you to pay for it. Embryonic research is legal.
Federally funded cloning – enough said
Regulate Sex Education not allowing anything but a how to course, no conventional abstinence course.
Higher taxes – mean everybody
Amnesty for illegals- those who don’t obey the rules get a treat.
Unionized Wal-Mart- bye bye to low prices
Regulate all business – quotas, additional tax, forced insurance
Regulate Business profit
Regulate personal choice- (food, cigarettes, ect.)
Regulate parental involvement- on abortion, discipline, values
Regulate speech (“hate speech”)
Regulate other Democrats- lock step
Death Tax – Double taxation
Family penalty Tax
IRS Tax system
More Pork, and earmarks
Campaign reform
– limiting you what you can contribute.
Remove Christmas from the Landscape
Remove U.S. Historical and Cultural Landmarks
– any religious reference to our culture and past.
Liberal Judges – want judges to make law, not interpret the law. Living Constitution for all things liberal but not conservative.
Distort History -Republicans have always been against blacks, suppress the votes.
Eminent Domain
– take your personal property for big business they complain about.
Regulate the Media – forced reporting, programming issue
Federal Funded Media – NPR- PBS
UN Status Quo – no challenge and submission to a majority of countries who want our demise.
Gay Marriage / polygamy
Pull out in the middle of a war-
they don't even acknowledge we are in a war, their idea is more containment and legal battle!
Group people into classes - stand up for certain classes and/or groups, not a victim you get no support.

Programs for Citizens only
SSI + Allow private opportunity to save
- like the congress gets
Free Market Healthcare – competition and broad market policies bring down cost.
Abortion-No Federal funding
Embryonic Stem Cell research- No Federal Funding
Cloning -No Federal Funding
Not one sided how to sex education
Lower Taxes
– mean everybody
No Amnesty – some type of reform on the working plan.
No forced- (coerced) unions
Less Regulation on business operating choices- no quotas, no additional tax, flexible insurance plans
Profit is the REASON to be in business
Personal choice is part of our freedom in this country
Allow parents rights
Freedom of Speech
– (even when it is unseemly and against them)
Regulate other Republicans -Support those who support them
Rid Death Tax
Rid Family penalty Tax
Revamp Tax system
Trim the fat, and cut earmarks
Campaign Reform
- pretty much the same
Keep Christmas in the landscape
Keep historical landmarks
- religious and otherwise.
Constitutional Judges – want judges that interpret the law not make the law. Judges are subject to the Constitution, not the rewriters of the Constitution.
Teach History- The Republicans did not keep the black vote down, it was southern Democrats. Republicans are not fixing the votes, dems have dead people voting. Religion is part of our history.
Keep Eminent Domain constitutionally
- which is for public use right a ways.
Freedom of Media – set your own programming
Commercial Media.- 1000’s of stations why should we as a nation pay for channel?
Reform UN to a Working status.
No Gay Marriage/ Polygamy
Win the war- Acknowlegement is first step. Muslim radicals have been against us since the 1800's, Tripoli ring a bell?

Stand up for all classes, don't need to be a victim!

I'm not happy with all the R's or their performances, but we put with the D's for 40 years look what we got. Should'nt we atleast give the R's half of that time to turn things around?


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